
grotesque can-can to the tune of She started a Heat Wave.” Let it be! And no holes are barred!!!” Couples attached to the baroque harnesses with artificial wings copulate in the air,screaming like magpies. Aerialist ejaculate each other in space with one sure touch. Equilibrist suck each other off deftly, balanced on perilous poles and chairs tilted over the void. A warm wind brings the smell of rivers and jungle from misty depths. Boys by the hundred plummet throught the roof.,quivering and kicking at the end of the ropes. The boys hang at different levels, some near the celling and others a few inches of the floor. Exquisite Balinese and Malays, Mexican Indians with fierce innocent faces and bright red gums.Negroes (teeth,fingers, toe nails and pubic hair gilded), Japanese boys smooth and white as China, Titan-haired Venetians lads, Americans with blond or black curls falling across the forehead( the guest tenderly shove it back), sulky blond Polacks with animal brown eyes ,Arab and Spanish street boys, Austrian boys pink and delicate with a faint shadow of blond pubic hair, sneering German youths with bright blue eyes scream “Heil Hitler!” as the trap falls under them. Sollubis shit and whimper. Mr Rich-and-Vulgar chews his Havana lewd and nasty, sprawled on a Florida beach surrounded by simpering blond catamites: ” This citizen have a Latah he import from Indo-China.He figure to hand the Latah and send a Xmas TV short to his friends. So he fix up two ropes-one