A.J yells and the barge takes off across the canal at a tremendous speed overturning gondolas full of tourists, missing the motoscafi by inches, veering from one side of the canal to the other (the wake washes over the sidewalks drenching passersby ) shattering a fleet of moored gondolas, and finally piles up against a pier, spins out into the middle of the canal . . . A column of water spurts sx feet in the air from a hole in the hull.
” Man the pumps, Mr. Hyslop. She’s shipping water.” The barge gives a sudden lurch throwing A.J. into the canal
” Abandon ship, God damn it! Every man fro himself!” Fadeout to Mambo music.
The inauguration of Escuela Amigo, a school fr delinquent boys of Latin American origin, endowed by A.J., Faculty Boys and press attending A.J. staggers out onto a platform draped with American flags.
“In the immortal words of Father Flanagan there is no such thing as a bad boy. . . Where’s the statuary God damn it?”
TECHNCIAN :” You want it now?”
A.J. : “What do you think I’m doing here Furthucrisakes? I should unveil the son of a bitch in absentia?”
TECHNICIAN :” All right. . . All right. Coming riht up.”
The statue is towed out by a Graham Hymie tractorand placed in front of the platform.A.J. presses a button. Turbines start under the platform, rising to a deafening whine. Wind blows the red velvet drapes off the statue. They tangle around the Faculty members in the front row. . .Clouds of dust and debris whip through the spectators. The sirens slowsly subside. The