
“Louder and funnier!” The Conferents are trouping out in clouds of dust.
“Shortly after birth a surgeon could install connections in the brain. A miniature radio receiver could be plugged in and the subject controlled from State-controlled transmitters.”
Dust settles through the windless air of a vast empty hall-smell of hot iron and steam; a radiator sings in the distance. . . The Speaker shuffles his notes and blows dust off them. . .
“The biocontrol apparatus is prototype of one-way telephatic control. The subject could be rendered susceptible to the transmitter by drugs or other processing without installing any apparatus. Ultimately the Senders will use telepathic transmitting exclusively. . . Ever dig the Mayan codices? I figure it like this: the priests-about one per cent of population-made with one-way telepathic broadcasts instructing the workers what to feel and when. . . A telepathic sender has to send all the time. He can never receive, because if he receives that means someone else has feelings of his own coul louse up his continuity. The sender has to send all the time, but he can’t ever recharge himself by contact. Sooner or later he’s got no feelings to send. You can’t have feelings alone. Not alone like the Sender is alone-and you dig there can only be one Sender at one place-time. . . Fially the screen goes dead. . . The Sender has turned into a huge centipede. . .So the workers come in on the beam and burn the centipede and elect a new Sender by consenus of the general will. . . The Mayans were limited by isolation. . . Now one Sender could, control