

So i am assigned to engage the service of doctor Benway for Islam inc. Dr. Benway had been called in as advisor to the Freeland Republic, a place given over to free love and continual bathing. The citizens are well adjusted, co­operatives, honest, tolerant and above all clean. But the invoking of Benway indicates all is not well behind that hygienic fagade: Benway is a manipulator and coordinator of symbol systems, an expert on all phases of interrogation, brainwashing and control. I have not seen Benway since his precipitate departure from An- nexia, where his assignment had been T.D.—Total Demoralization. Benway’s first act was to abolish con­centration camps, mass arrest and, except under certain limited and special circumstances, the use of torture.“I deplore brutality,” he said. “It’s not efficient. On the other hand, prolonged mistreatment, short of physi­cal violence, gives rise, when skillfully applied, to anxiety and a feeling of special guilt. A few rules or rather guiding principles are to be borne in mind. The subject must not realize that the mistreatment is a de­liberate attack of an anti-human enemy on his personal identity. He must be made to feel that he deserves anytreatment he receives because there is something (never specified) horribly wrong with him. The naked need of the control addicts must be decently covered by an arbitrary and intricate bureaucracy so that the subject cannot contact his enemy direct.”Every citizen of Annexia was required to apply for and carry on his person at all times a whole portfolio