locates the opponent and mobilizes resistance – the threat of torture is useful to induce in the subject the appropriate feeling of helplessness and gratitude to the interrogator for withholding it. And torture can be emplayed to advantage as a penalty when the subject is far enough along with the treatment to accept punishment as deserved .To this end I devised several forms of disciplinary procedure. One was known as The Switchboard. Electric drills that can be turned on at any time clamped against the subject’s teeth; and he is instructed to operate an arbitrary swichboard , to put certain connections in certain sockets in response to bells and lights. Every time he makes a mistake the drills are turned on for twenty seconds.The signals are gradually speeded up beyond his reaction time . Half an hour on the swichboard and the subject breaks down like an overloaded thinking machine . “The study of thinking machine teaches us more about the brain than we can learn by introspective methods. Western man is externalizing himself in the form of gadgets . Ever pop coke in the mainline ?It hits right in the brain , activating connections of pure pleasure. The pleasure of morphine is in the viscera . You listen down into yourself after a shot . But C is electricity through the brain , and the C yen is of the brain alone , a need without body and without feeling . The C-charged brain is a berserk pinball machine, flashing blue and pink lights in electric orgasm. C pleasure could be felt by a thinking machine, the first stirrings of hideous insect life. The craving for C lasts only a few hours, as long as the C channels are stimulated. Of