buboes.” A virus venereal disease indigenous to Ethiopia. “Not for nothing are we known as feelthy Ethiopians,” sneers an Ethiopian mercenary as he sodomizes Pharaoh, venoumous as the King’s cobra. Ancient Egyptian papyrus talk all the time about them feelthy ethiophians.So it started in Addis Ababa like the Jersey Bounce, but these are modem times, One World. Now the climactic buboes swell up in Shanghai and Esmeraldas, New Orleans and Helsinki, Seattle and Capetown. But the heart turns home and the disease shows a distinct predilection for Negroes, is in fact the whitehaired boy of white supremacists. But the Mau Mau voodoo men are said to be cooking up a real dilly of a VD for the white folks. Not that Caucasians are immune: five British sailors contracted the disease in Zanzibar. And in Dead Coon County, Arkansas (“Blackest Dirt, Whitest People in the U.S.A.—Nigger, Don’t Let The Sun Set On You Here”) the County Coroner come down with the buboes fore and aft. A vigilante committee of neighbours apologetically burned him to death in the Court House privy when his interesting condition came to light. “Now, Clem, just think of yourself as a cow with the aftosa.” “Or a poltroon with the fowl pest.” “Don’t crowd too close, boys. His intestines is subject to explode in the fire.” The disease in short arm hath a gimmick for going places unlike certain unfortunate viruses who are fated to languish unconsummate in the guts of a tick or a jungle mosquito, or the saliva of a dying jackal slobbering silver under the desert moon. And after an initial lesion at the point of infec-