ballet of pursuit in amonster vase of transparent alabaster.The Satyr catches the boy from in front and whirls him around. They move in fish jerks.The boy releases a silver stream of bubbles from his mouth. White sperm ejaculates into the green water and floats lazily around the twisting bodies. Negro gently lifts exquisite Chinese Boy into a hammock. He pushes the boy’s legs up over his head and straddles the hammock. He slides his cock up the boy’s slender tight ass.He rocks the hammock gently back and forth. The boy screams, a weird high wall of unendurable delight. A Javanese dancer in ornate teak swivel chair, set in a socket of limestone buttocks, pulls an American boy-red hair, bright green eyes-down onto his cock with ritual motions. The boy sits impalated facing the dancer who propels himself in circular gyrations, lending fluid substance to the chair.” Weeeeeeeeee!” scream the boy as his sperm spurt up over the dancer’s lean brown chest. One gob hit the corner of the dancer’s mouth.The boy push it in with his fingers and laugh: ” Man, tha’s what i called suction!” Two Arab women with bestial faces have pulled the shorts off a little blond French boy.They are scewing him with red rubber cocks.The boy snarls ,bites, kicks, collapses in tears as his cock rises and ejaculates. Hassan’s face swells , tumescent with blood. His lips turn purple.He strip off his suit of banknotes and throw it into an open vault that closed soundless. “Freedom Hall here, folks!” he screams in his phoney Texas accent. Ten-gallon hat and cowboy boots still on, he dances the Liquefactionist Jig,ending with a