
space, fucking and screaming through the air, burst in blood and flames and soot on brown rocks under a desert sun. Johnny leaps about the room in agony. With a scream that shatters the glass wall he stands spreadeagle to the rising sun, blood spurting out his cock . . . a white marble god, he plummets through epileptic explosions into the old Medjoub writhe in shit and rubbish by a mud wall under a sun that scar and grab the flesh into goose-pimples. . . . He is a boy sleeping against the mosque wall, ejaculates wet dreaming into a thousand cunts pink and smooth as sea shells, feeling the delight of prickly pubic hairs slide up his cock.
John and Mary in hotel room (music of East St.Louis Toodleoo). Warm spring wind blows faded pink curtains in through open window. . . . Frogs croak in vacant lots where com grows and boys catch little green garter snakes under broken limestone stelae stained with shit and threaded with rusty barbed wire. . . .
Neon—chlorophyll green, purple, orange—flashes on and off.) Johnny extracts a candiru from Mary’s cunt with his calipers. . . . He drops it into a bottje of mescal where it turns into a Maguey worm. . . . He gives her a douche of jungle bone-softener, her vaginal teeth flow out mixed with blood and cysts. . . . Her cunt shines fresh and sweet as spring grass. . . . Johnny licks Mary’s cunt, slow at first, with rising excitement parts the lips and licks inside feeling the prickle of pubic hairs on his tumescent tongue. . . . Arms thrown back, breasts poin-