
Endearing Young Charms.” An F.C. partner is indeed subject to “fleet from your arms like fairy gifts fading away.”)

In a white museum room full of sunlight pink nudes sixty feet high. Vast adolescent muttering. Silver guard ra il. . . chasm a thousand feet down into the glittering sunlight. Little green plots of cabbage and lettuce. Brown youths with adzes spied by the old queen across a sewage canal.
“Oh dear, I wonder if they fertilize with human excrement. . . . Maybe they’ll do it right now.”
He flips out mother of pearl opera glasses—Aztec mosaic in the sun. Long line of Greek lads march up with alabaster bowls of shit, empty into the limestone marl hole. Dusty poplars shake across the red brick Plaza de Toros in the afternoon wind. Wooden cubicles around a hot spring . . . rubble of ruined walls in a grove of cottonwoods . . . the benches worn smooth as metal by a million masturbating boys.
Greek lads white as marble fuck dog style on the portico of a great golden temple . . . naked Mugwump twangs a lute.
Walking down by the tracks in his red sweater met Sammy the Dock Keeper’s son with two Mexicans.
“Hey, Skinny,” he said, “want to get screwed?”
“Well. . . Yeah.”
On a ruined straw mattress the Mexican pulled him up on all fours—Negro boy dance around them beating out the strokes . . . sun through a knot hole pink spotlights his cock.