Salvador, known as Sally to his friends-he always keeps a few “friends” around and pays them by the hour-got cured in the slunk business in World War II.(To get cured means to get rich. Expression used by Texas oil men.) The pure Food and Drug Department have his picture in their files, a heavy faced man with an embalmed look as if paraffin had been injected under the skin which is smooth, shiny and poreless. One eye is dead grey color, round as a marble, with flaws and opaque spots. The other is black and shiny, an old undreaming insect eye.
His eyes are normally invisible behind black glasses. He looks sinister and enigmatic- his gestures and manerism are not yet comprehensible-like the secret police of a larval state. In moments of excitement Salvador is apt to lapse into broken English. His accent at such moments suggest an Italian origin. He reads and speaks Etruscan. A squad of accountant investigators have made a life work of Sal’s international dossier. . . His operations extend through the World in a inextricable,shifting web of subsidiares,front companies and aliases. He has held 23 passports and been deported 49 times-deportation proceedings pending in Cuba,Pakistan, Hongkong and Yokohama.
Salvador Hassan O’Leary, alias The Shoe Store Kid, alias Wrong Way Marv, alias After Birth Leary, alias Slunky Pete, alias Placenta Juan, allias K.Y. Ahmed, alias El Chinche, alias El Culito, etc., etc. for fifteen solid pages of dossier, first tangled with the law in NYC where he was traveling with a character known to the Brooklyn police as Blubber Wilson, who hustled his goof