
of every variety. Adulterated shark repellent, cut antibiotics,condemned parachutes, stale anti-venom, inactive serums and vaccines, leaking lifeboats.

Clem and Jody, two oldtime vaudeville hoofers, cope out as Russian agents whose sole function is to represent the U.S. in an unpopular light. When arrested for sodomy in Indonesia, Clem said to the examining magistrate:
“Tain’t as if it was being queer. After all They’s only Gooks.”
They appeared in Liberia dressed in black Stetsons and red galluses:
“So I shoot that old nigger and he flop on his side one leg up in the air just akicking.”
“Yeah but you ever burn a nigger?”
They are always pacing round Bidonvilles smoking huge cigars:
“Haveta get some bulldozers in here Jody. Clean out all this crap.”
Morbid crowds follow them about hoping to witness some superlative American outrage.
“Thirty years in show business and I never handle such a routine like this. I gotta disposses a Bidonville, give myself a bang of H, piss on the Black Stone, make with the Prayer Call whilst dressed in my hog suit, cancel Lend Lease and get fucked up th ass simultaneous. . . What, am I an octopus already?” Clem complains.
They are conspiring to kidnap the Black Stone with a helicopter and substitute a hog pen, the hogs trained