D.B.—Definitive Bulletin: “The Sender will be defined by negatives. A low pressure area, a sucking emptiness. He will be portentously anonymous, faceless, colorless. He will—probably—be bom with smooth disks of skin instead of eyes. He always knows where he is going like a vims knows. He doesn’t need eyes.”
“Couldn’t there be more than one Sender?”
“Oh yes, many of them at first. But not for long. Some maudlin citizens will think they can send something edifying, not realizing that sending is evil. Scientists will say: ‘Sending is like atomic power. . . . If properly harnessed.’ At this point an anal technician mixes a bicarbonate of soda and pulls the switch that reduces the earth to cosmic dust. ( ‘Belch . . . They’ll hear this fart on Jupiter.’) . . . Artists will confuse sending with creation. They will camp around screeching ‘A new medium’ until their rating drops off. . . . Philosophers will bat around the ends and means hassle not knowing that sending can never he a means to anything hut more sending, L ike Junk. Try using junk as a means to something else. . . . Some citizens with ‘Coca Cola and aspirin’ control habits will be talking about the evil glamor of sending. But no one will talk about anything very long. The Sender, he don’t like talking.”
The Sender is not a human individual. . . . It is The Human Virus. (All virus are deteriorated cells leading a parasitic existence. . . . They have specific affinity for the Mother Cell; thus deteriorated liver cells seek the home place of hepatitis, etc. So every species has a Master Virus: Deteriorated Image of that species.)
The broken image of Man moves in minute by minute and cell by cell. . . . Poverty, hatred, war, police-crimi