removed his appendix with a rusty can opener and a
pair of tin snips (he considered the germ theory “a
nonsense.”) Flushed with success he then began snipping and cutting out everything in sight: “The human body is filled up vit unnecessitated parts. You can get
by vit one kidney. Vy have two? Yes dot is a kidney. . . .
The inside parts should not be so close in together crowded. They need lebensraum like the Vaterland.” The Expeditor had not yet been paid, and Marvie was faced by the prospect of stalling him for eleven months until the check cleared. The Expeditor was said to have been bom on the Ferry between the Zone and the Island. His profession was to expedite the delivery of merchandise. No one knew for sure whether his services were of any use or not, and to mention his name always precipitated an argument. Cases were cited to
prove his miraculous efficiency and utter worthlessness.
The Island was a British Military and Naval station directly opposite the Zone. England holds the Island on yearly rent-free lease, and every year the lease and
permit of residence is formally renewed.
The entire population turns out, attendance is compulsory, and gathers at the municipal dump. The President of the Island is required by custom to crawl across the garbage
on his stomach and deliver the Permit of Residence and Renewal of the Lease, signed by every citizen of the Island, to The Resident Governor who stands resplendent in dress uniform. The Governor takes the permit and shoves it into his coat pocket:
“Well,” he says with a tight smile, “so you’ve decided to let us stay another year have you? Very good of you.