pervert, gathering all the negative evil of O’Brien’s ambigous function.
” I mught could set up Marty Steel for you, ” I said.
I knew they wanted Marty abd. He’d been pushing for five years, and they couldn’t hang one on him. Marty was an oldtimer, and very careful about who he served. He had to know a man and know him well before he would pick up his money. No one can say they ever did time because of me. My rep is perfect, but still Marty wouldn’t serve me because he didin’t kwon me long enough. That’s how skeptical Marty was.
“Marty!” said O’Brien. “Can you score from him?”
“Sure I can.”
They were suspicious. A man can’t be a cop all his life without developing a special set of intuitions.
O.K.,” said Huaser finally. “But you’d better deliver,Lee.”
“I’ll deliver all right. Believe me I appreciate this.”
I tied up for a shot, my hands trembling with eagerness, an archetype dope fiend.
“Just an old junky,boys, a harmless old shaking wreck of a junky.” That’s the way I put it down. As I had hoped, Hauser looked away whe I started probing for a vein. It’s a wildly unpretty spectacle.
O’Brien was sitting on the arm of a chair smoking an Old Gold, looking out the window with that dreamy what I’ll do when I get my pension look.
I hit the vein right away. A column of blood shot up int the syringe for an instant sharp and solid as a red cord. I pressed the plunger down with my thumb, feeling the junk pound through my veins to feed a milion junk-hungry cells, to bring strenght ans alertness to