up anything worth a rusty load. . . . Senoritas are the wear this season in Hell, and I am tired with the long climb to a pulsing Vesuvius of alien pricks.” Need Orient Express out of here to no hide place mines are frequent in the area. . . . Every day dig a little it takes up the time. . . . Jack off phantoms whisper hot into the bone ear. . . . Shoot your way to freedom.“Christ?” sneers the vicious, fruity old Saint applying pancake from an alabaster bowl. . . . “That cheap ham! You think I’d demean myself to commit a miracle?. . . That one should have stood in carny.. . . “‘Step right up, Marquesses and Marks, and bring the little Marks too. Good for young and old, man and beast. . . . The one and only legit Son of Man will cure a young boy’s dap with one hand—by contact alone, folks—create marijuana with the other, whilst walking on water and squirting wine out his ass. . . . Now keep your distance, folks, you is subject to be irradiated by the sheer charge of this character.’ “And I knew him when, dearie. . . . I recall we was doing an Impersonation Act—very high class too—in Sodom, and that is one cheap town. . . . Strictly from hunger . . . Well, this citizen, this fucking Philistine wandered in from Podunk Baal or some place, called me a fuckin fruit right on the floor. And I said to him: ‘Three thousand years in show business and I always keep my nose clean. Besides I don’t haft a take any shit off any uncircumcised cocksucker.’ . . . Later he come to my dressing room and made an apology. . . . Turns out he is a big physician. And he was a lovely fellah, too… .