tion hits the souks. I am blasting Amalgamated Images wide open “The bartender looks up from his racing form. ‘Yeah. And theirs will be a painful doom “ ‘Oh . . . uh . . . quite. Now, Gus, I’ll write you as’ check “ ‘You are only being the most notorious paper hanger in Greater Mecca. I am not a wall, Mr. Mohammed “ ‘Well, Gus, I got like two types publicity, favorable and otherwise. You want some otherwise already? I am
subject to receive a Surah concerning bartenders who extendeth not credit to those in a needy way “ ‘And theirs will be a painful doom. Sold Arabia He vaults over the bar. Tm not taking any more, Ahmed, Pick up thy Surahs and walk. In fact, help you. And
i stay out fix your wagon good, you unbelieving cockv sucker. I’ll close you up tight and dry as a junky’s assu hole. I’ll by Allah dry up the Peninsula “ ‘It’s a continent already… “Leave what Confucius say stand with Little Audrey and the shaggy dogs. Lao-Tze? They scratch him alo ready.. And enough of these gooey saints with a look of pathic dismay as if they getting fucked up the ass and try not to pay it any mind. And why should we let some old brokendown ham tell us what wisdom is?‘Three thousand years in show business and I always keep my nose clean…
“First, every Fact is incarcerate along with the male hustlers and those who desecrate the gods of commerce by playing ball in the streets, and some old white