
white yellow color like rancid jism and stringy you know.”An explorer in sun helmet has brought down a citizen with blow gun and curare dart. He administers artificial respiration with one foot. (Curare kills by paralyzing the lungs. It has no other toxic effect, is not, strictly speaking, a poison. If artificial respiration is admin­istered the subject will not die. Curare is eliminated with great rapidity by the kidneys.) “That was the year of the rindpest when everything died, even the hyenas. . . . So there I was completely out of K.Y. in the head­waters of the Baboonsasshole. When it came through by air drop my gratitude was indescribable. . . . As a matter of fact, and I have never told this before to a living soul—elusive blighters”—his voice echoes through a vast empty hotel lobby in 1890 style, red plush, rubber plants, gilt and statues—“I was the only white man ever initiated into the infamous Agouti Society, wit­nessed and participated in their unspeakable rites.”(The Agouti Society has turned out for a Chimu Fiesta. (The Chimu of ancient Peru were much given to sodomy and occasionally staged bloody battles with clubs, running up several hundred casualties in the course of an afternoon.) The youths, sneering and goos­ing each other with clubs, troop out to the field.

Now the battle begins.

Gentle reader, the ugliness of that spectacle buggers description. Who can be a cringing pissing coward, yet vicious as a purple-assed mandril, alternating these deplorable conditions like vaudeville skits? Who can shit on a fallen adversary who, dying, eats the shit and