
watha? . . . No, that’s not right. Some citizen cracks wise about giving it back to the Indians. … A Civil War uniform, the coat North and the pants South like it show thev got together again? She can come on like Buffalo Bill or Paul Revere or that citizen wouldn’t give up the shit, I mean the ship, or a G.I. or a Dough­boy or the Unknown Soldier. . . . That’s the best deal. . . . Cover her with a monument, that way nobody has to look at her…The Lesbian, concealed in a papier mdche Arc de Triomphe fills her great lungs and looses a tremendous bellow.“Oh say do that Star Spangled Banner yet wave . . .”A great rent rips the Arc de Triomphe from top to bottom. The Diplomat puts a hand to his fore­head. . . .The Diplomat: “That any male citizen of theUnited States has given birth in Interzone or at any other place. . ..”“O’er the land of the FREEEEEEEEEEE . . .”The Diplomant’s mouth is moving but no one can hear him. The Technician clasps his hands over his ears: “Mother of God!” he screams. His plate begins to vibrate like a Jew’s harp, suddenly flies out of his mouth. . . . He snaps at it irritably, misses and covers his mouth with one hand.The Arc de Triomphe falls with a ripping, splinter­ing crash, reveals the Lesbian standing on a pedestal clad only in a leopard-skin jockstrap with enormous falsie basket. . . . She stands there smiling stupidly and flexing her huge muscles. . . . The Technician is craw-