
tell you, Boss, nobody can hit the stuff like that. . . . It cooks the brains.. ..”
“So we declare him incompetent. .. .”
So Xiuptutol reels out of the jungle and says the boys in the Lower Tzpino territory done it, which surprises no one. . . . Take it from an old Brujo, dearie, they don’t like surprises.. . .
A funeral passes through the market. Black coffin Arabic inscriptions in filigreed silver carried by four pallbearers. Procession of mourners singing the funeral song . . . Clem and Jody fall in beside them carrying coffin, the corpse of a hog bursts out of it. . . . The hog is dressed in a jellaba, a keif pipe juts from its mouth,one hoof holds a packet of feelthy pictures, a mezuzzoth hangs about its neck. . . . Inscribed on the coffin: “This was the noblest Arab of them all.”
They sing hideous parody of the funeral song in false Arabic. Jody can do a fake Chinese spiel that’ll just kill you like a hysterical ventriloquist’s dummy. In fact, he  precipitated an anti-foreign riot in Shanghai that claimed  3,000 casualties.
“Stand up, Gertie, and show respect for the local ; gooks.”
“I suppose one shou ld”
“My dear, I’m working on the most marvelous invention . . . a boy who disappears as soon as you come! leaving a smell of burning leaves and a sound effect of distant train whistles.”
“Ever make sex in no gravity? Your jism just floats out in the air like lovely ectoplasm, and female guests are subject to immaculate or at least indirect conception. . . . Reminds me of an old friend of mine, one of