
pursed his lips. He closed the file and put his hand flat on it and leaned forward. “Carl, when you were doing your military service . . . There must have been . . . in fact there were long periods when you found yourself deprived of the uh consolations and uh facilities of the fair sex. During these i no doubt trying and difficult periods you had perhaps; a pin up girl?? Or more likely a pin up harem?? Heh i heh heh. . . ”
Carl looked at the doctor with overt distaste. “Yes, of course,” he said. “We all did.” “And now, Carl, I would like to show you some pin< up girls.” He pulled an envelope out of a drawer. “And ask you to please pick out the one you would most like to uh make heh heh heh. . . .” He suddenly leaned forward fanning the photographs in front of Carl’s face.
“Pick a girl, any girl!” Carl reached out with numb fingers and touched one of the photographs. The doctor put the photo back into the pack and shuffled and cut and he placed the pack, on Carl’s file and slapped it smartly. He spread the photos face up in front of Carl. “Is she there?” Carl shook his head. “Of course not. She is in here where she belongs. A woman’s place what???” He opened the file and held out the girl’s photo attached to a Rorshach plate. “Is that her?” Carl nodded silently. “You have good taste, my boy. I may tell you in strictest confidence that some of these girls . . .” with gambler fingers he shifts the photos in Three Card Monte Passes“are really boys. In uh drag I believe is the