P.L.: ” All right.Cut. . . You hate the French, don’t you?” ” Mister, I hate everybody. Doctor Benway says it’s metabolic,I got this condition of the blood. . . Arabs and Amercans got it special. . . Doctor Benway is concocting this serum.” P.L.:”Benway is an infiltrating Western Agent.” L .l: “A rampant French Jew . . . ”
L.2: “A hog-balled, black-assed Communist Jew Nigger.
P.L.: “Shut up, you fool! ”
L.2: “Sorry, chief. I am after being stationed in Pigeonhole.”
P.L.: “Don’t go near Benway.” (Aside: “I wonder if this will go down. You never know how primitive they are. . . .”) “Confidentially he’s a black magician.”
L .l: “He’s got this resident djinn.” “Uhuh . . . Well I got a date with a high-type American client. A real classy fellah.”
P.L.: “Don’t you know it’s shameful to peddle your ass to the alien unbelieving pricks?”
“Well that’s a point of view. Have fun.”
P.L.: “Likewise.” Exit boy. “They’re hopeless I tell you. Hopeless.”
L.l. “What’s with this serum?”
P.L.: “I don’t know, but it sounds ominous. We better put a telepathic direction finder on Benway. The man’s not to be trusted. Might do almost anything. . . . Turn a massacre into a sex orgy.. . . ”
“Or a joke.”
“Precisely. Arty type . . . No principles . . .”