
vest with a hunka tin on it and a lariat slung over his shoulder.                                                “So I says : ” What’s with you ? You wig already ? ”                                                                 “He looks  at me and says : Fill your hand stranger and hauls out an old rusty six shooter and I take off across Lincoln Park , bullets cutting all around me . And he hangs three fags before the fuzz nail him . I mean the Vigilante earned his moniker . . .                                   “Ever notice how many expressions carry over from queers to con men ? like ‘ raise ‘ , letting someone know you are in the same line ?                                                                    “Get her ! ”                                                                                                                                ” ‘Get the Paregoric Kid giving that mark the build up ! ‘                                                          ” ‘Eager Beaver wooing him much too fast ‘.                                                                           “The Shoe Store Kid ( he got that moniker shaking down fetishists in shoe stores ) say : ‘ Give it to a mark with K.Y. and he will come back moaning for more .’                                   And when the Kid spots a mark he begin to make a breathe heavy. His face swells and his lips turn purple like an Eskimo in heat . Then slow, slow he comes on the mark , feeling for him , palpating him with fingers of rotten ectoplasm .

” The Rube has a sincere little boy look , burns through him like blue neon . That one stepped right off a Saturday Evening Post cover with a string of bulleheads , and preserved himself in junk . His marks never beef and the Bunko people are really carrying a needle for the Rube . One day Little Boy Blue starts to slip , and what crawls out would make an ambulance attendant puke . The