
plode, occasioning heavy “asualities. . . And there was the occasion when President Ra thres the British Prime Minister to the ground and forcibly sodomized him, the spectacle being televised to the entire Arab World. Wild vipes of joy were heard in Stockholm. Interzone has an ordinance forbidding a meeting of Islam Inc. within five miles of the city limits.


A,J,-he is actually of obscure Near East extraction-had ta one time come on like an English gentleman. His English accent waned with The British Empire, and after World War II he became an American by Act of Congress. A,J, is an agent like me, but for whom or for what no one has ever been able to discover. It is rumored that he represents a trust of giant insects from another galaxy. . . I believe he is on the Factualist side ( which I also represent ) ; of course he could be a Liquefaction Agent ( the Liquefaction program involves the eventual merging of everyone into One Man by a process of protoplasmic absorption ). You can never be sure of anyone in the industry.
A.J.’S cover story ? An international playboy and harmless practical joker. It was A.J. who put the piranha fish in Lady Sutton-Smith’s swimming pool , and dosed the puch with a mixture of Yage, hashis and Yohimbine during a Fourth of July reception at the U.S. Embassy , precipitating an orgy. Ten prominent citizens-American of course-subsequently died of shame.Dying of shame is an accomplishment peculiar to Kwakiutl Indians and Americans-others simply says”Zut alors” or “Son cosas de la vida” or ” Allah fucked me, the All Powerful. . .”